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Bird Feeders: Tips For Squirrel Proofing

21A bird feeder ought to be placed at the very least 7-8 feet from any structure and be positioned on a post 5 feet or higher. Steel posts are probably well since they are difficult to get onto and also will cause the squirrel to slide, when they try to climb it. Wooden poles are very easy for squirrels to acquire so are not a good deterrent to use.

There are 3 standard baffle types. Situating a baffle above and/or below a bird feeder could annoy a squirrel that’s attempting to reach the bird seed. There are dome hanging baffles, wrap around baffles, and torpedo baffles. All types of baffles create an obstacle between the seed and also the squirrel; nevertheless positioning for each baffle varies. The twist around baffle can be positioned over or listed below the feeder, the torpedo baffle is must be put on a pole below feeder, the dome hanging baffle installs over the feeder and needs to go to least a third larger after that feeder or it merely ends up being a slide for the squirrels. The dome hanging baffle also supplies climate protection to the bird feeder.

Utilize a squirrel proof feeder. The squirrel proof feeder utilizes a cage with openings made to be only large enough for bird to fit through. Some feeders have a weight mechanism connected to close when the weight of a squirrel is spotted.

Shake Away or Bobbex excellent squirrel repellents that make use of warm as well as hot all-natural ingredients like cayenne and also chili peppers to drive squirrels away. With making use of repellents it is in some cases needed to reapply after rainfall or a specific quantity of time, so check out the directions thoroughly.

Bird seed could likewise be a deterrent for squirrels. Cardinals, chickadees, mourning doves as well as finches want to consume bird seed with safflower in it. The squirrels do not especially want to consume safflower seed. Feeders full of black oil sunflower seed will draw the focus of a hungry squirrel.
Include a squirrel feeder to your backyard. There are several styles of commercially offered squirrel feeders, many made to hold ears of corn – a favorite of squirrels and chipmunks.

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